I’m a little obsessed with humanity reaching our full potential. You are a big part of that. We can achieve a lot together.
About Me
I’m fortunate to have both a little too much confidence and relentless work ethic. I spend most of my time building companies and avoiding gluten.
My company teambuilding.com is on a mission to help people be happier at work.
I believe child slavery is a solvable problem. Not an easy one, but we can do it.
I live out of a backpack. I recently shed 4 oz of gear, so that was cool.
Here are my most popular articles:
- Everything I Know
- How to Cure Brain Fog + Feel Awesome!
- 3 Rules of the Internet
- Mortality as a Second Class Motivator
View all content here.
Email me any time at malexis@gmail.com
❤️ Michael